No big news

To be frankly it haven't really happened much since i last wrote in the blog (I'm the winner) and so I don't have much to tell you guys. Though I'm still waiting for the price I think it will come any day now since I sent my address to Sts a couple of days ago when they asked for it. I told you the price would be a surprise, but according to the person who answered my e-mail when I asked about it, it would be either cinema tickets, t-shirts or a Sts lexicon. So no big news. But I'll tell immediately when something exciting happens!

Now to something that doesn't really have anything to do with my Torquay-trip. It's really rainy outside today, and I'm thinking about just hanging in the couch drinking tea and watching movies. How nice? I think it'll be Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides. Because I just can't get enough of that movie, I particularly like the mermaids.


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