Sts on Facebook

All of you who are going on a languagetrip the summer 2012 should definetly like sts' facebooksite. I only have the link to their Swedish facebooksite, but LIKE IT! There you can get information about the trips, ask questions, and the best part is that you can get to know who are going on the same trip as you!


This is my blog, and my name is Elin. I'm going on a language trip to Torquay the summer 2012. I'm 15 years old and I'm in the 8th grade (swedish grade system). I have a big love towards photographing. So I'm hoping to convey the feeling of my language trip in both text and images here in the blog. And for those who might be wondering: Yes, I do speak swedish. But my father came up with the - according to me - brilliant idea that i could write in english, to learn even more english than I will during my stay in Torquay. So that's a little something about myself. And if you're wondering anything else, anything! Just ask!

I just had to put up those totally amazing but also kind of weird photos in the end. In the last one it's me in the right and to the left it's my beloved sister